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While I am glad to be home and warm, I am still thinking about many of the sessions I attended at #IMEC2019. Here is what is still on my mind.

Composition in the Music Classroom

The first session I attended was wonderful. I have been wanting to see Roger Sams in action for awhile. He lead us through thoughtful and meaningful lessons allowing choice all along the way but always ensuring success for his students. He is a co-author of the curriculum books, Purposeful Pathways. I took a moment to peruse these books. The activities are similar to what I do in the classroom already but they add more support to the Dalcrose movement activities which I have little experience with. He showed vulnerability at the session and modeled how someone who doesn't play the piano extremely well can still lead Dalcrose movement activities with the skills they do have. I needed to hear and see that. The best part of his curriculum though is that the books are not scripts but ideas to use leading with the music concepts at the top of the page. It is up to the teacher to decide what activities to do according to the music concept needed and with what grade level to use it with. It would be a great resource to my music classroom.

Ukuleles in the General Music Classroom

There is so much more I can do with ukuleles in the classroom. While I had a great start already in progress, Sarah Fairfield and Katy Hagen helped me see even more possibilities with ukuleles in the Orff classroom. We can learn games, learn countermelodies on the barred instruments and use sound poems to allow students time to explore and experience critical musical concepts before trying to apply them to the ukulele. I bought their book, Strum, Strike, Sing and Play and can't wait to use it.

Social Justice in the Music Classroom: It DOES Matter

Sarah Minette is a wonderful and passionate speaker. She raised so many wonderful questions. She encouraged us to create a mission statement of sorts to help guide our work towards equity. I would love for our district music team to create one and make goals to better the experience in all our rooms. It is important to me to be responsive and relevant to my students. Her website had many books and articles to read specific to music education.

Other Little Nuggets to Take Back

  • I found this children's books to use in the classroom.

  • Once kids work with Makey Makeys, explore how it works and learn a little about coding with Scratch, they are ready to construct their own musical instrument in a small group using a Makey Makey, Scratch and random materials that conduct energy. (I learned this from the session, "Grooving to the Algorithm" by Patrick Horton and Ryan McCaul.

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