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#IMMOOC Blog Post 6b: Final Thoughts

I was afraid to join #IMMOOC. I wasn't sure what to expect. I didn't know anyone that was joining. What if I failed? There were so many unknowns that now seem a little silly to me but 6 weeks ago they were real.

I am so glad I joined and participated. This week's challenge to give a shout out to other bloggers has been my favorite week. It's just awesome.

Here are a few of my takeaways.

  • I reread the book, Innovator's Mindset by George Couros. It surprised me how much more I got out of the book the second time. I discovered #BookSnaps after I had read Innovator's Mindset so this time I created #BookSnaps as I read. (In my opinion, #BookSnaps are the only way to read education books these days. :D) . Here are my collection of #IMMOOC #BookSnaps. (Anyone is welcome to add their #BookSnaps to the padlet.)

  • I've blogged more often than I ever have. It's amazing how much learning happens when I take the time to blog. Not only have I grown through my own blogging but I am also reading blog posts by other professionals. We all have an interesting journey and there is great value in reading what others are thinking and doing.

  • I've almost doubled the amount of people I follow on Twitter. Someone at the beginning of the MOOC suggested to follow as many people on Twitter as you come across. That was a great suggestion. Now my Twitter feed is filled with innovative blogs and ideas.

  • The #IMMOOC chats on Thursdays were massive. It actually taught me how to manage my time better and how to organize myself for #edchats. I learned to really enjoyed the frenzied tweets each week.

  • Lastly, I learned that "the 'relentless relentlessness' will serve our students well and empower educators as learners. If we ever stop learning, we might as well stop teaching." -G. Couros.

So, I will continue my journey and keep checking up on what my #IMMOOC friends are up to. It's been a fantastic experience. Thanks everyone!

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