#IMMOOC Week 4: Be the Change
#IMMOOC Prompt for Week 4: Is modeling your learning something that is important to innovation? What do you do to model your own learning through your practice?
Yes. Modeling one's learning is very important to innovation. If we want "innovative students" then we need to be "innovative educators." (Innovator's Mindset p. 5) . We as educator's have to be willing to embrace an innovative mindset and take risks.
We need to be the change we want to see in others. Here are three ways I model my learning.
1. If we want our kids to be global, connected learners, then I need to be a global, connected learner. I do this by connecting and collaborating with others on various social media platforms. When I read a book, I extend my thinking by creating #BookSnaps and tweet them out to various hashtags. I also find #edchats to join. Here is where I find people just like myself doing their best to move forward. I find inspiration from my PLN and great support when I need it. Some of my favorite hashtags to visit lately are #ShiftThis, #IMMOOC, #BookSnaps, #empowerbook, and #geniushour.
2. Sharing is important and if I want my students to share their creations with the world, I should too. I started a blog last year. Writing has never been a strength of mine but I finally got over myself and realized I could learn to blog. Blogging helps me think, process and reflect on my learning. I blog about books I've read, workshops I've attended and/or about something that happened in the classroom. Blogging has also helped me develop my voice. I have started to notice I have stronger, more confident beliefs since I started blogging. When you write knowing your thoughts will be sent out into the world, you dive a little deeper and think a little harder.
3. Taking risks is how you move forward. If we want kids to be self-starters and risk-takers, I also need to take risks and know that if I fail, at least I'm failing forward. I often share with others when I am trying something new. When possible I ask students for their input as well.
I spent the summer reading about flexible seating, innovative spaces, 20% time, and small shifts towards an innovative classroom. I put my research and the kid's feedback into action this summer and slowly put the classroom back together. It's amazing how much of an impact it made with my students.
When I think about it, I was inspired by an innovative educator myself last year (thank you @MrsSmithThinks). She simply took the time to share her thinking and model risk taking at a district committee meeting. She also gently suggested others do the same. Sometimes that's all it takes. Be the change.